Is whale vomit more expensive than gold?


Whale vomit, also known as ambergris, is a waxy substance produced in the digestive systems of sperm whales. It is believed to protect the whales from the sharp beaks of squid they consume. Ambergris has a unique and valuable scent, often described as sweet and earthy, and it has been used for centuries in the perfume industry as a fixative to help scents last longer. Despite its less-than-appetizing origin, ambergris can be highly sought after and can fetch a high price in the fragrance market. 

However, the use and trade of ambergris are regulated in many countries due to concerns about sperm whale conservation.

It is even weighed up with gold.

Well, been more expensive than gold is perhaps exaggerated. But this stuff can make people rich.

A fisherman from Thailand, who earned the equivalent of little more than 10 euros, found this lump of vomit and left it lying around for a year.

Finally, he had it analyzed.

The value of the mass from the digestive tract, which weighed the equivalent of about 6.35 kilograms, was estimated at around 320,000 dollars (the equivalent of 288,451 euros). This means that the 55-year-old has hit the jackpot of his life.

The mass contains more than 80 percent ambergris.

Ambergris is a substance produced by sperm whales in their bile ducts so that large or sharp objects slide more easily through the digestive tract.

Immediately, when the whale defecates, it stinks.

But the more it dries, the more it begins to smell and the perfume industry is keen on this ingredient for the creation of fragrances.

And the fisherman and his wife...are now rich people.

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